The Unfortunate Annual Transient

This is my sojourn from Seattle back to the Midwestern motherland. Speckled enamel coffee cups, humidity, fireflies and confronting my addiction to change. Where will this one lead...

Friday, April 07, 2006

Can't sleep

I couldn't fall asleep last night. Not because my life is a trivial wasteland of booze and masturbation. Not because I harbored upon all the regretful actions of the past, all the cowardly actions I initiated at the expense of my friends and lovers. Not because I have very little money in the bank and several years from a real career. Not because I have a Sunday morning coffee break relationship with the divine.

No! I couldn't sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about what the f#@k Libby was doing in the psychiatric ward? Gaaaarrrrr! Cursed LOST and it's debilitating grip on my imagination!


Blogger Dancomono said...

So I peeked at your blog, and apparently was drawn right into clicking on this most exciting conversation topic. While I and anyone who's seen the show clearly has the same problem, this hardly makes me appear to be the paragon of cool that my self-monitoring nature demands. On the other hand, we were pretty much rock stars of last night's party, so I think we've earned the right to have nerdy nougat centers.

And that's more than you'll ever need.

11:31 PM  
Blogger Court said...

God lord, I have never been the paragon of cool. I'm lucky if I'm second-story cool, and half the time it's just because one of the cooler kids buzzed me up. And right now, I am typing this from a public library computer. So retro of me!

Indeed, we were rock stars. I'm sure that everyone at that party felt very priveleged that they were in the presence of such uber-hiprocity. Especially the 144 inches of ass and awesomeness that was me on your shoulders.

12:09 PM  

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