No one talks about the weather
I find this odd about my new home. No one talks about the weather. This is the first question my parents (who live in the Southern Midwest) ask me when they call. This is an interesting question to them, because their weather changes from day to day. One day, 70 degrees in early March. Then tornadoes. Then its 40 degrees and overcast. Exciting stuff, right? Conversation starters, no doubt. Here, its in the 45-55 range and varying degrees of partly cloudy almost every day. No reason to jump outside on the porch in your pajamas to test what to wear for the day. I still ask Jason every morning though, out of habit. There are days when I remember that I am living in an entirely different part of the country...there are days when I forget.
This weekend Jason and I test-drived the Puget Sound bus system, and went to Pioneer Square and Pike's Place Market. I thought Pike's Place was just a tourist trap before I came, but it's not. It's a foodie's fun place, with less of a touristy vibe and more of a..."Oooh, let me try that" feel. I'm a neighborhood kind of gal, and there is nothing like great, fresh local food to shrink a city to one, zig-zaggy mess of tabletops and streetside shops. We also happened upon a gathering in Pioneer Square protesting the illegality of gay marriage and other related civil rights issues. Jason talked earnestly with a communist guy for 20 minutes while I walked around taking pictures.

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