The Unfortunate Annual Transient

This is my sojourn from Seattle back to the Midwestern motherland. Speckled enamel coffee cups, humidity, fireflies and confronting my addiction to change. Where will this one lead...

Friday, June 22, 2007


My father wants an iPhone. He is convinced that this magical device will solve all of our entertainment disadvantages at the farm (i.e. no cable, internet, TV). I don't what he is exactly imagining...I think the two of us crowded together on lawn chairs on the decks staring at tiny-screened episodes of Deadliest Catch. He thinks that since he was one of the original owners of a 17-pound $900 1989 bag phone, he is forever gets to cut in line to the forefront of technological purchasing.

He asked for an iPod for Father's Day, which I publically flat-out refused to get him. He even made a list of all the artists he wants on said iPod. Apparently he thinks these songs appear mythically upon desire, like blowing out your candles and having a fucking unicorn trot up to your 7th birthday party. In addition to the fact that I cannot afford an iPod myself, if I could, I require that the iPod giftee know what an mp4 is. Just one of my irrational woman-rules! My dad + iPod = Courtney spending hours uploading CDs onto her laptop and then downloading them onto his little $400 irritant. Sorry Pops, if a Sony Walkman is good enough for your daughter, then AM/FM radio is good enough for you.

But, I got to go to Soulard Farmer's Market today after job training. Apricots, green tomatoes, slick lettuce, green beans and an excellent $2 bowl of red beans and rice. Wonderful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are alive and doing so well.

1:43 PM  
Blogger Man of a thousand questions said...

lol i can totally see your dad wanting to be "hip" on technology and then not know what the hell he's looking at

7:42 AM  

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