The Unfortunate Annual Transient

This is my sojourn from Seattle back to the Midwestern motherland. Speckled enamel coffee cups, humidity, fireflies and confronting my addiction to change. Where will this one lead...

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Thanksgiving pictures, only a week and a half less relevant

Here are the turkey bodybags. I assue you they enjoyed their last soak in salty, cold water.

This is me, putting my back in 'to it. These guys were heavy and awkward, and I think it's about midnight, Friday night at this point.Time to eat, that's Tom digging in, after claiming he couldn't eat any more because he wanted to "go all night." [Editor's note: "going all night" involved he and his friends getting "faced" at two Moscow nightclubs.]

Here's Paul, telling what I am sure was a hilarious story, about the origin of the word "deign" or something.
The aftermath. Paul did most of the dishes, but these guys were still waiting their turn. (They waited till 6 o'clock that evening.)

And here's my aftermath. I hadn't left the house in 48 hours, got up with a slight twinge in the back of head, and Jason surprised me with this picture as I was taking out the garbage. Kodak Gold, indeed.


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