The Unfortunate Annual Transient

This is my sojourn from Seattle back to the Midwestern motherland. Speckled enamel coffee cups, humidity, fireflies and confronting my addiction to change. Where will this one lead...

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Gat some

Here's a picture of Paul Heider, which I promised him that I would send to his mom. So Paul's mom, here you go!

Here is my obligatory tourist picture, Jason and I in front of St. Basilica's Cathedral in Red Square. You can't see it very well in the picture, but there was a huge dump truck that threatened to run us over.

Left: Young well-to-do Russians lounging during the Tiger Lillies show in Moscow. One of the girls flagged me down afterwards and gave me her email to send her the photos. I thought she was pissed, but she said told me they looked, "Super", which is the English word du jour.

I got a bit of spam mail from "Vanilla K. Statehood" today, who encouraged me to "Come and gat some." Yes, Mr. Vanilla, perhaps I will.


Blogger JC said...

Yeah, I got that spam e-mail from Mr. Vanilla, too.
I actually already gat some. Why haven't you yet?

4:30 AM  

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